About Wem Area Climate Forum
Wem Area Climate Forum (WACF) is a small voluntary group trying to help the people of Wem through the climate crisis and to look after our town. Wem is the home of Henry Eckford who created the modern Sweet Pea and is a town with a big heart.
We want the BIG heart of the Wemian people to reach out and help our town survive
the climate crisis to ensure a Green New Deal for now and generations to come.
Who Are We and Why Have We Formed?
We formed because our town and rural communities need to come together to help
each other as the climate crisis emerges more fully and evolves.
We do not know how it will affect Wem but we can start to make changes in our
personal and local lives in order to be as prepared as possible to help the future of our towns green spaces and rural life.
There are many ways you can begin to make a difference and our website is here as a guide to show you how, make you aware of things you may not have thought of and encourage you to become involved in helping your community too.
We would normally meet informally to discuss our projects but, because of Covid-19, face-to-face meetings have had to be put on hold for the present. However, a core group of members meets once a week 'virtually' to continue discussions and plans. If you would like to get involved or you have any queries comments or ideas, please feel free to contact us. You can use the form below or email us: wemclimateforum2@gmail.com