Make your voice heard - contact your MP, councillors about climate change; join a social movement or campaign
Eat less meat and dairy - and more plant-based foods
Don't waste food; over 5 million tonnes of edible food is thrown away by households in a year, costing £15 billion
Shop locally and buy products from sustainable sources
Reuse or recycle; cut out single-use plastic; find a new home for your unwanted items
Cut down on car use; walk, cycle, use public transport or car share whenever possible
Cut down on flying
Save water, both inside your home and in the garden
Switch to an energy supplier that uses renewable energy sources (e.g. wind/solar)
Make sure your home is energy-efficient
Make your garden wildlife friendly; grow plants that encourage insects into your garden; cut out use of peat-based compost and chemical weed-killers
Grow your own fruit/vegetables
Tell others about the changes you have made
Click here to read more:
A few simple actions to reduce your carbon footprint