Alongside other groups such as Zero Carbon Shropshire, Wem Area Climate Action aims, wherever possible, to promote building practices which recognise the urgency of responding to climate change.
Of particular concern at present are plans by Connexus for the development of the Edinburgh House site in New Street, where partial demolition and conversion to residential units is proposed. We asked that their planning application be refused planning permission and the Whitchurch Herald recently featured an article about this.
Our objections to the proposed development are outlined below:
1. Environmental
Demolishing such a modern building is hugely wasteful of the carbon stored in its materials. In addition, the proposed plans fail to specify how the new housing would provide well-insulated, energy-efficient housing for the future.
However, appropriate re-development of the site could provide an eco-opportunity for a sensitive scheme which promotes and demonstrates better building for the climate emergency, to which Shropshire County Council is already signed up.
2. Effect on the Town
The proposed scheme also represents a change of use for the site. The existing building was designed for office and civic use. There is a desperate need to continue such in Wem to counter the stripping out of commercial uses which attract people into Wem and thus prevent it from becoming a dormitory town. In this respect, we believe that the town would be better served by providing single units and associated housing for business start-ups, of which there is a shortage. This would also encourage young people to stay in the town.
There is also the impact the proposed development of residential units would have on schooling. there is a shortage of places in the town and children are already having to take up places in surrounding villages.
25/4/23: Shropshire Council have now informed that they have refused planning permission in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation.
We will now wait to see if Connexus submit an amended application and whether further action on our part is needed.