THE TALE OF THE CURIOUS CARROT …. and other stories
On a windy day in late August, in the middle of a pandemic, three members of the Wem Area Climate Forum chose to put on The Curious Carrot Trail. Starting from an information hub on Jubilee Square, participants followed the trail to find the “curious carrot”, answering questions about the way we eat and its effect on the planet on the way. Three cafes in the town rewarded them with colourful carrots (yellow and purple as well as orange) and the chance to sample their wares. The trail ended at Millennium Green where “trailers” could buy locally produced food including meat and dairy, ice cream and preserves, watch an apple juicing demonstration and pick up a plant or two.
FOOD PRODUCTION- what we eat, how it is produced, processed, distributed and how much is wasted - IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 30% OF OUR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT (CARBON AND OTHER GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS). The event was designed to flag up the way in which reducing our “food miles” and thinking about how we can change what we consume to help reduce our damaging impact on the planet.
The Wem Area Climate Forum (WACF) is a community group formed in December 2019 as an element of the Town Council’s Climate Change policy initiative. Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, meetings have been curtailed since then, but a small group, including representatives of both Wem Town and Wem Rural Councils, has continued to meet remotely throughout 2020. Although it has been impossible to make much practical progress, ideas are emerging about how Wem can become a greener and more climate-friendly town.
There has been much thought given to the planting of trees, whose role in taking carbon dioxide out of the air is well known. The WACF is not the only group in the town with this in mind. The creation of “green corridors”, throughout the town and reaching out into the countryside, connected by footpaths for the health and benefit of all, is a vision which the group have been following up. When circumstances allow, a Parish Paths Partnership is projected, supported by Shropshire Council, to upgrade existing paths with the help of volunteers. With the co-operation of landowners, trees, restored hedgerows and areas of wildness could follow these paths, especially along such natural corridors as the River Roden.
And what about our open spaces? Wem is blessed with many small green corners, as well as the excellent facilities of the Recreation Ground. Grass is green, but not necessarily the best for the environment, which requires diversity of species to thrive.
One such space which WACF has noted is a small area adjacent to Ranford Way, currently a grassy rectangle bordered by an overgrown hedge. If there is community support, could this area become a small orchard garden, with a few fruiting trees and other native species, seating areas, herbs, and wild flowers to encourage bees and
such? And could other spaces be similarly changed? If you live near Ranford Way and have an opinion, or would like to be involved in such a project, please get in touch with the Climate Forum via:
Email: wemclimateforum2@gmail.com
Written for The Wemian Feb 2021