Here are some community links to help you get started in your personal contributions to the climate crisis. By taking JUST ONE STEP you are helping yourself, your local community and the planet!
Traveline - why not start with your bus journey here
Food and Household
Town Buildings, Environment and Heritage - Wem Civic Society
Church climate involvement
OR http://www.affinity.org.uk/
Consider eco natural burials and ask Wem Funeral Directors - learn more here: https://www.shropshiregreenburials.co.uk/ + Read more here:
Most of this website is dedicated to what can be done in Wem, working on a personal and local level, but there are groups and organisations working on a national and global scale that you may want to support.
We offer some suggestions here:-
WWF World Wildlife Fund https://www.wwf.org.uk/10-myths-about-deforestation
Earth Protector https://www.stopecocide.earth/become
Extinction Rebellion https://rebellion.earth/
Surfers Against Sewage https://www.sas.org.uk/
Greenpeace UK https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/
Friends of The Earth https://friendsoftheearth.uk/
Great Waves of Change http://greatwavesofchange.org/
Transition Towns https://transitionnetwork.org/
Future Generations Wales https://futuregenerations.wales/